About the Novel

KETTLE CREEK takes readers back to the very beginning of THE PHOERON’s future history—to the fall of America, the death throes of freedom, and the rise to power of Ordo A.’.R.’.S.’., through the eyes of clandestine operative Agent Henderson.

Returning to a crime-ridden, destabilized nation during the height of the US–Canadian War, Henderson is immediately sent on another mission under direct order of the King; but as the true nature of the mission unfolds, and his mind erodes piece by piece into an anomalous void deep within his heart, he begins to suspect the worst of the highly secretive Ordo until his very ability to question disappears and finds himself the unwitting provocateur of the Canadian Revolution.

But the real question on the Nation’s mind as Henderson and the Ordo are exposed by a media made rabid by the military ordered news blackout is, what is Raif Halder doing at the centre of it all?

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